Resilience and Acceptance in the Face of Collapse
Feb 20 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm PST

We are offering a course for Elders of all ages to gather and learn, to grieve, to plan, and have the space to speak our truths together. It focuses on inner resilience, adaptive responses, collective acceptance of the climate crisis and provides an adaptive worldview pertaining to a new and different future.
A free, nine-session online course about the ecological and cultural predicament we face starting on Thursday, February 20 at 4:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm ET.
After the course attendees will be able to:
- Define collapse.
- Articulate their own understanding about the Great Unraveling and at what stage of awareness they are.
- More freely navigate their emotional responses to a collapse.
- Name and put into practice several tools for inner resilience.
- Describe and weigh out the benefits of localization for outer resilience.
- Live in greater balance and harmony with all the spirits which create and support life.
- Identify the benefits of acceptance most pertinent to them and their life circumstances.
- Meetings are 1 ½ hours. Preparation: 2-3 hours a week
REGISTER (Maximum 25 participants)
Message From the Course Developers
“With great sadness and great love, we are convinced that this is a time of unraveling…biodiversity loss, ocean degradation, urban flooding, political strife, climate crisis and migrations, economic and political instability, food shortages, wildfires, soil degradation.
We have two choices: turning away or turning toward. For a long time, we have learned to turn our eyes away and live as we have always lived.
With these moving thoughts from the Developer’s in mind: We believe that closing our eyes has not served us. It’s time to turn towards—wake up and see what is happening in the world and in ourselves, in the ways we relate to the entire Community of Life. Turning toward takes courage, honesty and love.”
This course is not about traditional resilience solutions. Instead, the course leads participants through a process of opening their eyes in awareness and turning towards what-is with ever-deepening acceptance, through wise responses to our predicament.”