Circles and Chapters


Elders Climate Action Chapters

ECA chapters are comprised of members who have decided to take action on climate issues within their community, state, or region as well as on the national level.  Whether alone or in collaboration with ECA partners and other like-minded organizations, chapters participate in local events, rallies, town halls, candidate forums, meetings with elected officials, and more. Chapters are great ways to engage in ECA’s national actions such as the Candidate’s Climate Pledge, the Environmental Voter Pledge, and reaching out to Members of Congress in support of national actions that will help turn back climate change. If you are interested in joining one of our ECA Chapters, check the ECA Chapter Directory or reach out to to learn more about helping to start a chapter in your area.

Elder Circles

Elder Circles encourage and inspire their members to continue to live life fully, to be contributing members to the welfare of their community, and give back, be it locally or globally. An Elder Circle may be formed around a particular activism focus, or members may have different causes they are involved with and find support and encouragement through sharing with one another at their circle meetings. Elder Circles can be large or small, with participants determining the full nature and focus of their group. It is helpful if members live in close proximity for convenience in meeting, although video conference meetings can work well, too.




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