Elders for Social Justice (ESJ)

At Elders for Social Justice (ESJ) we create an inclusive education and advocacy environment for social and environmental justice. We work with other EAN groups, external organizations, elder activists, and visionary leaders as we act on behalf of Earth and all life.

Confronting Whiteness Journey

“White people are trapped in a history they don’t understand and until they understand it they cannot be released from it.”  –James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

Confronting Whiteness is an intentional spiritual journey of anti-racism to aid people racialized as White to identify and dismantle their Whiteness.

Over the course of nine weeks participants will read, hear, and watch the work of Black creatives. While there are many more that could have been chosen, these selections will embolden you to acknowledge and confess your Whiteness. Hopefully, you will be inspired to invest time, energy, and heart to delve deeper into this discovery. The more dedicated you are, the more you will get out of the series.

The participant’s guide to Confronting Whiteness offers people a new posture for addressing racial issues. Spiritual practices will help participants engage writings and films by Black authors and filmmakers and develop habits that confront and undermine the power of Whiteness. The guide was developed for groups of White people.

Our facilitator will be led by Rev Dr. Ben Boswell, author and founder of Confronting Whiteness.

This program consists of nine sessions, each designed to last approximately 90 minutes. Preparation for the sessions requires completing assigned readings and viewings and writing a racial autobiography.

Start date: Wednesday, March 19, 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET

Cost: $160, which includes the Confronting Whiteness guide

For more information contact Teri Whitehair at teriw@eldersaction.org.


VIDEO: Elders For Social Justice 3-21-24 Community Meeting with guest speaker, Rev. Ben Boswell, on Confronting Whiteness.

Racism Advisory Committee

We are committed to putting justice and equity front and center as we move forward into action. We recognize we are at the beginning of this journey and that each of us are at a different stage of awareness and action. The Racism Advisory Committee engages in conversation, research, self reflection and education to ensure that we recognize and free ourselves of racist and exclusionary practices and indifferences. We are committed to this journey, believing that it will strengthen our organization.

We meet the first and third Thursday of every month at 11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET.

Join us! Register to attend the Zoom meetings here.

Questions? Contact Teri Whitehair at teriw@eldersaction.org.

See our social and climate justice Resource Lists here

resource list

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