Never Vanguard


On September 19, in honor of Grandparents Day, EAN will participate in an action with our partner Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) as part of their Never Vanguard Campaign. At the protest, Elders Action Network, will be announcing that it has joined “Never Vanguard”: a commitment to not invest or work with Vanguard until the company makes a significant course correction on climate.

Here’s how you can be involved: 

If you live in the Philadelphia area you can join our EAN Board President and other EAN participants who will carry EAN signage and join in this gathering.  

Who: Elders Action Network, Earth Quaker Action Team, and The Shalom Center 

Where: Vanguard entrance at Brennan Blvd. and Foundry Way, Malvern, PA 19355

When: Tuesday, September 19 at 11:30 am

Contact Lynne Iser at for more information.

Can’t join in person? Not a problem! Vanguard still needs to hear from you and your concerns about their current trajectory that is driving the climate crisis and damaging our world that our grandkids and those we love will inherit. Fill out this form (before September 18) with your urgent message and we’ll read it at the gathering. Here’s a prompt to get you started:

As a grandparent, what message do you have about Vanguard’s continued investments in fossil fuels, your desire for climate safe investments, and your concern about the future for your grandchildren and future generations? 

Please join us in this important work to ensure that financial institutions like Vanguard make investments that truly align with our values. 


As elders we want our investments to secure our retirement…AND provide a livable world for future generations.

Both are endangered by Vanguard, the #1 investor in fossil fuels, which are destroying our climate and communities. We can’t continue to put our trust or our savings in a company that is on this reckless course.

Around the world, activists are pushing Big Finance to take responsibility for its part in climate destruction by stopping the money pipeline.

Many of us hoped Vanguard, one of the largest shareholders of almost every public company in the U.S., would lead the way to sustainable investing. We’ve written letters, made phone calls, delivered petitions, and spoken with our financial advisors to ask Vanguard to:

  • Use its influence to push the companies it invests in to do better on climate protection
  • Offer climate-responsible funds
  • Exit its investments in fossil fuel companies that refuse to transition their businesses to be in alignment with a livable future

But…Vanguard continues to sink billions into fossil fuel companies.

This not only drives the climate crisis our grandkids and those we love will inherit – it risks leaving shareholders (us) with billions in ‘stranded, devalued assets – as the world transitions to cleaner energy.

Therefore, the EAN Fix My Funds campaign is joining and supporting EQAT’s (Earth Quaker Action Team) NEVER VANGUARD Campaign

  1. Embracing our role and responsibility as elders to consider the impact of our decisions on the lives of our children, future generations and all Life.
  2.  If we are Vanguard customers – to explore the other options available to us as investors, to educate ourselves, and move our money into investments that support communities, and a healthy, thriving future for all. EAN will support you with Move Your Money webinars & Investment Resources
  3. And, as long as Vanguard continues its reckless course of investing in the destruction of our climate and communities – we pledge to speak with our family, friends, and neighbors as to why this is the moment for Never Vanguard.

The Never Vanguard Pledge is an investment in our future – whether you’re a Vanguard customer or not!

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